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Murphey Candler Baseball

Murphey Candler Baseball

Spring Season Details

Spring season is the primary season for Murphey Candler Baseball. Murphey Candler provides an excellent experience for approximately 1,000 youngsters across nine leagues, based on age, each spring. The spring season begins in February and lasts through the end of May. Our seven baseball diamonds will host weeknight games and practices that could start as early as 5:00 pm. The Rookie League (4u) will only have events on Sundays at the park. In addition to the traditional leagues, Murphey Candler also sponsors a team in the North Atlanta Challenger League for children with special needs and our Frontier League program.

Boundary Areas
Please note that only players who live within our boundary lines may play during the Spring season in all leagues except Frontier and Challenger. Click here for our boundary map. Registration for players who did not play in the spring of 2024 will not be final until proof of residency is verified.

League Event Times
While weather can impact the schedule throughout the spring season, our goal is to have every practice and game completed by the following times.
Southern: 6:30pm - Weeknights & Weekends
Atlantic: 7:00pm - Weeknights & Weekends
International: 7:30pm - Weeknights & 8:00pm Weekends
Coastal: 8:00pm - Weeknights & Weekends
AA, AAA, Majors: 9:30pm - Weeknights & Weekends

Age Guide  for Spring 2025
League assignment is based on each player’s age as of April 30, 2025.  Leagues are formed for players of league ages 4 through 12. There are no exceptions for players wishing to play in a league above or below their age group.

 Player Birth Year  
 Birth Month 2012 2013 20142015201620172018 201920202021
January   Majors AAA/Majors AAA AA Coastal International Atlantic Southern Rookie
 February  Majors AAA/Majors AAA AA Coastal International Atlantic Southern Rookie
 March  Majors AAA/Majors AAA AA Coastal International Atlantic Southern Rookie
 April  Majors AAA/Majors AAA AACoastal  InternationalAtlantic  Southern Rookie
 May Majors AAA/Majors AAA AA Coastal International AtlanticSouthern Rookie 
 June Majors AAA/Majors AAA AA Coastal International Atlantic Southern Rookie 
 July Majors AAA/Majors AAA AA Coastal International Atlantic Southern Rookie 
 August Majors AAA/Majors AAA AA Coastal International Atlantic Southern Rookie 
 September Majors AAA/Majors AAA AA Coastal International Atlantic Southern Rookie 
 October Majors AAA/Majors AAA AA Coastal International Atlantic Southern Rookie 
 November Majors AAA/Majors AAA AA Coastal International Atlantic Southern Rookie 
 December Majors AAA/Majors AAA AA Coastal International Atlantic Southern Rookie 

 Major (12U or 11U) $425
 AAA (12U, 11U, 10U) $425
 AA (9U) $425
 Coastal (8U) $350
 International (7U) $350
 Atlantic (6U) $350
 Southern (5U) $300
 Rookie (4U) $200
 Frontier I, II, III $200
 Challenger $75
$50 Additional Late fee after 12/20/2024 for all leagues except Frontier & Challenger.

Player Requests
Teams are put together via a draft for all leagues except Rookie (4U), Southern (5U), Challenger, and Frontier. Due to the draft, requests only apply to new players in Rookie and Southern and can be made at the time of registration by emailing [email protected].  Requests are not accepted for returning players in the Southern League or players in our draft leagues (Atlantic, International, Costal, AA, AAA, and  Major League.). If you have any questions or concerns about requests, please email our registrar at [email protected].
Refund and Withdrawal Information can be found on our FAQ's.


Murphey Candler Baseball
1551 West Nancy Creek 
Brookhaven, Georgia 30319

Email: [email protected]

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